watch Transformers 3 online megavideo,In 1961,during the war on Cybertron Autobots spacecraft managed to escape Cybertron. The spaceship called the Ark was loaded with technology that will ensure victory Autobots. During the flight was attacked by the Decepticons Ark, causing it to crash land on the dark side of our moon. Sentinel was the first pilot of the ark, the technology, he wore was known as "pillars". The pillars include technology that can save Cybertron. The crash of the Ark was discovered by NASA. Accordingly, authorized President John F. Kennedy on a mission to the moon. It has been said to make history by putting a man on the moon, but the real mission was to investigate the accident. Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969 and autronauts evidence provided on the crash of the Ark on the moon.
Today, the Autobots have formed an alliance with the United States Army for peace on earth. Most of his missions were to stop fighting human human beings. During a visit to Chernobyl, Optimus Prime discovers a fuel cell of the ship later discovered the man in the secret report shapeship risk during 1969 to the moon. To find the location of the shapeship, Optimus went to the moon to retrieve the pillars and relaunched Sentinel Prime. Found only five pillars that remain on board the ship crashed Pilar inclusive master all the controls. According to the Autobots, the pillars will be able to form a bridge that will carry all of Cybertron. National Intelligence Director Mearing Charlotte (Frances McDormand) threathen felt when he discovered the technology pillars. She fears it could be used to bring the army far more destructive to the Earth.
At the same time, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), has found a new girlfriend, Carly, Spencer (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley), after which he was the dump is Mikaela. He was leading after the frustrating life after graduation, because he could not find a job after graduation. He got more frustrated when he realized that Carly was very close to his accountant, the boss of Playboy, Dylan Gould (Patrick Dempsey).
Sam went to interview a very stressful job. Boss, Bruce Brazos (John Malkovich) was very particular about a man who does not allow any other color except yellow to work. Sam eventually hired to be the son of the Mail. Later, he discovered that it was Dylan, who helped him find a job.
One day, a colleague of mine, Jerry Wang, Sam (Ken Jeong), pushed him to the bathroom and exposed himself conspiracy theorist. Sam gave some information about the "dark side of the moon." A short time later, Jerry has been thrown out of the building Laserbeak, Decepticons murderess. Sam went to the American army base, and insisted that he wanted to talk about Optimus Prime. He greeted the Bumblebee, and U.S. Army Colonel William Lennox (Josh Duhamel). He spoke to them of his dark side of the moon. His presence at the bottom was not satisfied with the Minister of Defense, Mearing Charlotte (Frances McDormand). Sam has offered assistance to Charlotte, but was rejected.
Retired Sat Seymour contact Simmons (John Turturro) to help solve the mystery behind the dark side of the moon. After much research, Sam has discovered that the Decepticons have killed all who were connected to the U.S. and Russian space missions in the 1960's. With the help of assistant Simmons, Dutch (Alan Tudyk), managed to locate two Russian astronauts, it is assumed that the Russian space mission, which was canceled. The astroauts shows photographs taken by satellites of the Soviet Union, which clearly show, there were hundreds of columns on the moon. Sun realized that the Decepticons discovered and attacked for decades, but only Arche Sentinel Prime could activate the power of the pillars. Then it was discovered that the recent results was actually a trap set by the Decepticons have revived Optimus Prime Sentinel Prime.
Sam contacted the Autobots and told them that the first Sentinel is a main objective of the Decepticons. When the Autobots wanted to escort him back to their base, the Sentinel has revealed that it has signed an agreement to save Cybertron Decepticons. Sentinel betrayed both Autobots and humans. It destroyed the base, killing Ironhide and fled Pillars.Sentinel then used to form the pillars of a moon bridge. Hundreds Decepticons were transported to Earth, and began to invade the country.
Fearing for the safety of Carly, Sam went to find him at a party. He discovered that Dylan Gould was a spy Decepticon human. Dylan took Carly and Sam are forced to be a spy to discover the Autobots intend to fight. Dylan threatened to kill Carly if Sam failed in its mission. Decepticon clock was placed on the wrist of Sam to follow his thoughts and moves.Sam is Optimus Prime and asked for his plan, but the wise Optimus Prime told him he was not expected. Moments later, the Autobots left Earth on a rocket. The Decepticons then destroyed rockets Autobot killing all on board.
Feeling relieved after the death of the Autobots, the Decepticons are strengthened in Chicago and started killing people. Dylan tells Carly that the Decepticons are designed to rebuild Cybertron on earth. They want people who have turned their slave. At that moment, as Carly Sentinel Prime and Megatron are fighting who should be responsible. Sentinel was the first then all the Decepticons across the world to place the columns, and began the process to bring Cybertron to earth.