Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon is the third installment of the Transformers franchise is still visually stunning critical interrupted. The film was highly encouraged by the trailers and photos / posters, the word was not yet the Internet about whether the film is actually a good thing. The wait is over - the first revision of the hit the web, to the surprise of some, is called the best movie yet!
The examiner, the famous review site Capone movie is not It Cool News, said that although he is a 2D projection of the film, I was impressed yet - even though the movie was filmed in 3D. Here are some highlights of their review (and including some very small spoilers):
* Some of the film's action takes place in Washington DC, which takes "quite a ride" in the film
* The last hour of the film, which includes the absolute devastation of Chicago, left the examiner out of breath - in the right direction!
* Much of the potential of the 3D film was clear throughout the
* "The first hour and a half in the dark Moon is primarily focused on the history (a short fight and chase sequences in Pepperdine), but it's a really cool story of the Autobots discover that the technology that would save the race and the planet is the Sat moon all the time they were on earth and no one bothered to tell them, Optimus Prime is not amused. "
* "Script can not find clever new ways to place the events in the world of Transformers, including a particularly nasty" incident "at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was actually the result of some experiments with the technology of the month."
* Megan Fox is the replacement is "miles better" than Fox and his character in the previous two films
* "Twins" are not in the film
* It is clear to see the movie Bay has decided to do a lot of action sequences "more convenient" than in previous films. How do you talk to the badass machinery, auto giant robot that is beyond us, but ...